Customization Goal: RSS Feed with 3 columns over the full width inside a Joomla template. Used for: I used a banner position located at the bottom of my template before the bottom and footer positions. The trick is (vive versa against normal rule) to create in CSS a main container (here: art-rssFeeds) with position = relative and nested the wished columns inside. I had to nested my banner 6 position in this div tag to avoid CSS conflicts. Step 1 - In my index.php file (in template folder) I created a new div tag: "art-rssFeeds" around my banner 6 position:
Step 2: Copy & paste the CSS style below into your template.css. I used primarily the Joomlaworks style.css in the default template and extended it for 3 instances of the module: /***************************************************************/ /* Feed List - Module: Simple RSS Feed Reader - 3 columns style*/ /**************************************************************/ {position:relative;} /* Main container - must exist in index.php inside your template! */ .srfrContainer_rsscol-1 { /* Column left */ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:31%; bottom:0; background:#f3f3f3; padding:17px; } .srfrContainer_rsscol-2 { /* Column center */ position:relative; margin:0 auto; padding:17px; width:31%; height:auto; min-height:100%; background:#e3e3e3; } .srfrContainer_rsscol-3 { /* Column right */ position:absolute; top:0; right:0; width:31%; bottom:0; background:#f3f3f3; padding:17px; } div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList , div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList {list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li , div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li {clear:both;padding:8px;margin:2px 0;border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc; text-align:left;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0 {background:#fff;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0 h3, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0 h3, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow0 h3 {font-size: 12px;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1 {background:#F7FAFE;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1 h3, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1 h3, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li.srfrRow1 h3 {font-size: 12px;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li img.srfrImage, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li img.srfrImage, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li img.srfrImage {float:left;margin: 0 10px 0 0;padding:2px;background:0;display:block;} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedSource, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedSource, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedSource {} div.srfrContainer_rsscol-1 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedItemDate, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-2 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedItemDate, div.srfrContainer_rsscol-3 ul.srfrList li span.srfrFeedItemDate {color:#999;} Step 3: Create 3 instances of the SRFR modules in Joomla backend with this settings: 1. The RSS feeds for the left column must have as Modul Class Suffix = "_rsscol-1" 2. The RSS feeds for the center column must have as Modul Class Suffix = "_rsscol-2" 3. The RSS feeds for the right column must have as Modul Class Suffix = "_rsscol-3" Note: The center column needs one item more per feed to avoid that higher left or right columns are cut in display. For all: 1. Hide the titles of the modules - use instead the description box for text on top of the feed block (avoids for me issues with the standard CSS). 2. Optional: Set the display of the modules to the Frontpage only (I use the Advanced Module Manager from Optional: I fixed code in SRFR which produces a "blank" inside the class name when using the 'Modul Class Suffix'. The module has 2 templates: Compact and Default. Both uses this blank in the class name. For change: Go to the default.php file/s in modules/mod_sw_srfr/tmpl/default/ (and /compact/) and substitute in line 43: