
K2 - Myths and Realities of K2 as a CCK - ACL, Native SEF, Support, etc. - Need EXPERT input

  • Dragon
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14 years 3 months ago #84164 by Dragon
K2 Community, Please Respond to this-I am relatively new to JOOMLA and definitely to K2.  Out of the other options available including Flexicontent and jseblod, I have to say that I see no comparison.  K2 just seems awesome.I am putting this discussion topic out there because I think hearing from the seasoned community, this would address many of the issues being considered by those evaluating CCK components for their sites.ACL - Many of us are very interested in empowering subscription based sites with K2 given the tremendous power it brings to the table.  There are many threads out there that talk about how K2 has self contained ACL controls and therefore cannot play nicely with subscription tools like Ambra/JUGA.  A comment from the experts on this and how to plug into the K2 ACL and make it work with a few other ACL controls out there would outstanding.  I think that given the prevalence of JUGA, a walk through from the community would be awesome.  Myths about it being nearly impossible to work with the K2 ACL (without expert development expertise) should be put down.  One of the only "how-to's" that I can find related to a third party ACL control is this: on that would be clutch.Subscription services:  CB or Ambra are huge out there and continue to gain ground in terms of subscription components.  Would someone please consider posting a quick how to guide on using Ambra with K2 to make them work together?  If this is a slam dunk by covering the K2/Ambra topic that would be awesome.  SEF:  There are several threads out there, including a recent one in the rockettheme forums discussing the use of core SEF structures vs. third party add-on.  Now is the time for the K2 experts to offer their view on the pros, cons and remedies to any concerns.  Please help us out by tackling this straight out.Support:  Another misconception out there seems to be that the K2 developers are nowhere to be found and that using the forums/community will not get you far.  The sentiment is that the other CCK's mentioned above have a "thriving, hungry" community that is eager to help out and make it happen.  I would love to get the K2 community's view on this, and I also think that a group should come forward and offer premium support options for K2 (maybe this exists? if so, please let me know!)  Thanks and I look forward to the comments!

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14 years 3 months ago #84165 by Nick
i am very sorry to say, but K2 will def not live up to your expectations out of the box. What you want requires heavy modding. K2 does not have a (good) ACL system. I can't even get it to work. I have no idea why it has groups since you can't set permissions to articles/categories.

Also, it seems that your understanding of the CMS business is lacking. You can't just "plug" something in together to make it work. It requires a lot of time and engineering skills. Something the developers have no time for, and professionals charge you a lot of money for.

I suggest getting sh404SEF. Works fine with k2.

Support: I have no idea what that is... Support does not exist on this board. The dev's rarelly comment on anything (with rare i mean a meteor striking you on the head, while being laid by the first lady on her boat whily prez obama is having a sip of vodka with putin. Doesn't happen too often right? ) and 2% of the users here are actually dev's. No one ever answers any threads. the forums are exploding with questions which never get answered. Simple feature requests never get lived up to (I STILL WANT TO BE ABLE TO TAG MY FUCKING CATEGORIES!).

I'm telling you, K2 is a joke. I wish i could get rid of it, but at the time there was nothing my site could use so i am officialy stuck with it until i figure out how to export all the data and then import it into another CCK. I suggest getting Yootheme's ZOO CCK or Mightyextensions' Resources.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but K2 is a joke. It would have been super duper if the dev's were just here to help us out a little.


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14 years 3 months ago #84166 by Chris Yates
We all have our pet issues with software producers from Microsoft down. The extremely rude comment above is uncalled for and in very bad taste.

Fact of the matter is that TWO guys have offered a software package FREE OF CHARGE to those of us who either don't wish or can't for whatever reason go down the often high priced commercial route.

If you don't like the software package offered, perhaps it's time you moved on to something different instead of venting your spleen hereabouts huh?

On the wider questions posted I can only offer one suggestion and that's in regard to SEF.

My personal preference is for aceSEF Pro (commercial) since it delivers K2 support and has the added benefit of auto generating meta and sitemap and pings the major search engines blah blah.



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14 years 3 months ago #84167 by Nick
it might be rude, but i could care less. Just putting my opinion out there and stating some facts. I don't care what these 2 devs did. There is no point in releasing software without SOME support. Out of the thousands of threads here, the devs have only replied to 86. How would you feel if all google's products suddenly started acting up, or you had a suggestion and they would just bluntly ignore you? I would feel pissed.

On the other side tho, i am greatly thankful to the member on these forums who at least try to help eachother out.

I'm saving this guy some trouble since he is a beginner and does not know what he is getting himself in to. He obviously does not know some stuff regarding CMS' and CCK's. That's why i recommended him to stay out of the way from K2 since there are other alternatives.

Chris Yates said:We all have our pet issues with software producers from Microsoft down. The extremely rude comment above is uncalled for and in very bad taste.
Fact of the matter is that TWO guys have offered a software package FREE OF CHARGE to those of us who either don't wish or can't for whatever reason go down the often high priced commercial route.

If you don't like the software package offered, perhaps it's time you moved on to something different instead of venting your spleen hereabouts huh?

On the wider questions posted I can only offer one suggestion and that's in regard to SEF.

My personal preference is for aceSEF Pro (commercial) since it delivers K2 support and has the added benefit of auto generating meta and sitemap and pings the major search engines blah blah.



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14 years 3 months ago #84168 by troponin
oh no it's not you again. BORING !!!

Nick your experiences are long ago and when I look at your Profile I see I am right. It's really ridiculous how you always try to make negative Propaganda of K2. On the other Hand you still seem to be interessted on K2, aren't you ?

sry Dragon but I will not answer more in this thread 'cause Nick will SPAM it, with his very old subjective Past.

I want you to have a look in the Forum - there happens a lot of Free Expert Help (each other).
I think sh404sef could be the thing you are searching.
sry just my 5 cent.


Nick Tsutsunava said:i am very sorry to say,... Support: I have no idea what that is... Support does not exist on this board..... Assholes.

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14 years 3 months ago #84169 by william white
Something we should all think about is - WHAT DO WE DO? Do we go about our daily business for FREE?
Of course we all try to buy at cost, add value, and resell for a profit. How much have we given for free? Even if our abilities are not up to par with the many people in the world who are much smarter than ourselves - Have we contributed to those who are starting out?
Better question - Do we benefit in the long run from helping others? Benefits can be measured in many ways.
I find Troponin's comment "On the other Hand you still seem to be interessted on K2" the telling part of this thread.
If there is something better - go for it! Each rout will have its own following, support, and differences. We are what we eat, and sometimes its not very difficult to tell what has been consumed.

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13 years 9 months ago #84170 by KLM Graphics
Honestly I left K2 months ago for the same reasons that Nick is venting here. I tried everything to get a few of the components to work and it took constant posting to get anyone to answer. That is where the frustration comes in and you can say it’s free and no one should complain about the lack there of because of that. The fact is that if you are going to add something to the community free or otherwise then support it fully or don’t bother!

Honestly what is the point of even offering anything if all that is done is to have the developer set on their hands and seemingly not give a damn if it works or not and just keeps adding more things that don’t work not bothering to fix the things that NEVER worked? I know for me when I had issues and I asked in the forum for help, out of some 25 posts made I got one person help me. I even changed my name to see if it was just me that was the cause.

K2 has some serious issues or at least it did and the only reason I am back now is a client wants to use it even though I have strongly urged them to go with Zoo. So I am back with an open mind in hopes that knowing developer support is absolutely NON going to happen here EVER! I found this article looking for a way to bring in Zoo articles, something that was added to Zoo in the very first release. The basic version of Zoo is as free as K2 but the devs there are all over the forum answering questions and fixing the problems. THAT is a sign that they care and I feel my worth when I ask a question and never get ignored.

So say what you want about how great K2 is but don’t throw a dog a bone to eat if it is encased in a plastic cage. I can taste the ability of K2 and I like what I can see but if the day comes that it goes commercial I will never buy it knowing that the support is NON existent!

So here I am and I will test this awesome tool once more and hope I don’t get blockaded with the same crap that sent me packing before. I don't understand your logic here William, are you saying we should help K2 by contribution to the cause and not expect any return on our investment and go to bed feeling better for helping someone who caused the grief in the first place?

I have no problem beta testing these fantastic tools that better our ability to build great websites. My problem is when our cry for help is flat out ignored and this post is a perfect example of that. If this was my board this post would have been deleted simply for the foul language. So here what I see is again the developer does not give a damn about others who might stumble upon this and be very offended by the language. Speaking of that, as much as I agree with you Nick you really need to grow up and and if you feel the need to talk with such trash language direct it through a contact form and don't disrespect those on this forum that don't deserve to read it! It is punks like you that give the developers a reason to ignore our request!

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13 years 9 months ago #84171 by Richard Buff
I am willing to pay for a component like K2. What is the best option for some willing to pay some money to get a nice, clean, feature-rich compontent with decent support? I'm thinking Zoo, but would love to hear other options. I'm trying to run a business here, I dont need it to be free, i just need it to work and get help when needed.

Kevin Morrison said:Honestly I left K2 months ago for the same reasons that Nick is venting here. I tried everything to get a few of the components to work and it took constant posting to get anyone to answer. That is where the frustration comes in and you can say it’s free and no one should complain about the lack there of because of that. The fact is that if you are going to add something to the community free or otherwise then support it fully or don’t bother!
Honestly what is the point of even offering anything if all that is done is to have the developer set on their hands and seemingly not give a damn if it works or not and just keeps adding more things that don’t work not bothering to fix the things that NEVER worked? I know for me when I had issues and I asked in the forum for help, out of some 25 posts made I got one person help me. I even changed my name to see if it was just me that was the cause.

K2 has some serious issues or at least it did and the only reason I am back now is a client wants to use it even though I have strongly urged them to go with Zoo. So I am back with an open mind in hopes that knowing developer support is absolutely NON going to happen here EVER! I found this article looking for a way to bring in Zoo articles, something that was added to Zoo in the very first release. The basic version of Zoo is as free as K2 but the devs there are all over the forum answering questions and fixing the problems. THAT is a sign that they care and I feel my worth when I ask a question and never get ignored.

So say what you want about how great K2 is but don’t throw a dog a bone to eat if it is encased in a plastic cage. I can taste the ability of K2 and I like what I can see but if the day comes that it goes commercial I will never buy it knowing that the support is NON existent!

So here I am and I will test this awesome tool once more and hope I don’t get blockaded with the same crap that sent me packing before. I don't understand your logic here William, are you saying we should help K2 by contribution to the cause and not expect any return on our investment and go to bed feeling better for helping someone who caused the grief in the first place?

I have no problem beta testing these fantastic tools that better our ability to build great websites. My problem is when our cry for help is flat out ignored and this post is a perfect example of that. If this was my board this post would have been deleted simply for the foul language. So here what I see is again the developer does not give a damn about others who might stumble upon this and be very offended by the language. Speaking of that, as much as I agree with you Nick you really need to grow up and and if you feel the need to talk with such trash language direct it through a contact form and don't disrespect those on this forum that don't deserve to read it! It is punks like you that give the developers a reason to ignore our request!

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13 years 9 months ago #84172 by Nick
You guys are just a bunch of fanboys. Just like apple fanboys.. only for k2. Always ignoring the major flaws of the product and continue prancing with it nevertheless.

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13 years 9 months ago #84173 by FeSys
Hello.. "Dragon"

From my own experiences... (Both Extensions are commercials)
Best way to use ACL with K2 = JUGA (see Doc-Man video with JUGA, and follow exactly for any other component)
Best way to use Memberships = RS-membership
see videos for rsmembership here on how to...).
- Ep. 22 - How to add url restrictions to a Joomla! membership site with RSMembership! using the {*} wildcard
- Ep.21 - How to add URL restrictions to a Joomla! membership site with RSMembership! using the {?} wildcard
- Ep. 20 - How to add article restriction to a Joomla! membership site with RSMembership!
Hope this help. Thanks for reading..

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