Thanks again for looking into this.
I appreciate this Joomla extension very much.
By charging for it and calling it 'PRO' I think you raise the expectations of your customers even though you don't charge them very much. I've managed to reconcile this in my mind by thinking of my payment as if it were for 'DONATIONWARE' rather than for a 'PRO' product -- this makes sense to me since the code is open sourced, you make reasonable efforts to respond, and I could , in theory , analyze and fix bugs myself.
Having said that, I find that I've used the 'simple image gallery PRO' with some quite serious customers of my own. So now I am a bit stuck with an image gallery that almost works , but no quite. My clients unfortunately want something that works completely well, and having to do things like mutliple clicking to get an image to appear is quite a serious shortfall for them.
I have tried using the alternative themes, but we ran into problems with those since most of them do not auto-resize the main image to fit the browser window.
So .. anything you could do would be appreciated.