
I don't want to see the Filename of the Picture (new version)

10 years 6 months ago #55270 by Lefteris
@Wladyslaw Wojciechowski

Hi. If the change concerns CSS code you can even place it in your template's CSS file.

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10 years 5 months ago #55768 by Alexander
Dear Yiota
First of all, sorry about my poor english.... :)

I read all your instructions in how to remove "you are viewing the image with filename"
]but i could not remove the phrase without crash the pluggin !! for my lucky i got a backup first of the default.php file !

Would you please be more especific in how will be the final code after removing what you said before ?

BELOW is the original CODE:

WHICH part must be removed specifically ? How would be the FINAL CODE ?

SORRY About the Newbie question, but i´m not a PHP especialist....

* @version 3.0.1
* @package Simple Image Gallery (plugin)
* @author JoomlaWorks -
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL license:

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


<ul id="sigFreeId<?php echo $gal_id; ?>" class="sigFreeContainer sigFreeClassic<?php echo $extraWrapperClass; ?>">
<?php foreach($gallery as $count=>$photo): ?>
<li class="sigFreeThumb">
<a href="<?php echo $photo->sourceImageFilePath; ?>" class="sigFreeLink<?php echo $extraClass; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $photo->width; ?>px;height:<?php echo $photo->height; ?>px;" rel="<?php echo $relName; ?>[gallery<?php echo $gal_id; ?>]" title="<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_YOU_ARE_VIEWING').' '.$photo->filename; ?>" target="_blank"<?php echo $customLinkAttributes; ?>>
<img class="sigFreeImg" src="<?php echo $transparent; ?>" alt="<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE_IMAGE').' '.$photo->filename; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE_IMAGE').' '.$photo->filename; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $photo->width; ?>px;height:<?php echo $photo->height; ?>px;background-image:url(<?php echo $photo->thumbImageFilePath; ?>);" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<li class="sigFreeClear">&nbsp;</li>

<?php if($itemPrintURL): ?>
<div class="sigFreePrintMessage">
<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_PRINT_MESSAGE'); ?>:
<br />
<a title="<?php echo $row->title; ?>" href="<?php echo $itemPrintURL; ?>"><?php echo $itemPrintURL; ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>



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  • Krikor Boghossian
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10 years 5 months ago #55775 by Krikor Boghossian
Simply replace
title="<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_YOU_ARE_VIEWING').' '.$photo->filename; ?>"

title="<?php echo JText::_('JW_PLG_SIG_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE_IMAGE'); ?>"

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6 years 1 month ago - 6 years 1 month ago #169834 by Seppe
Good morning

I just installed the plugin, and facing 2 problems.
I have version 3.6.0

1) When on the thumbnail-view, when my mousepointer is over the picure to enlarge it, it says: "click to enlarge image blablabla.jpg"

Is it possible to just use the text "click to enlarge" ? I want to get rid of the filename.

2) When the picture is enlarged, it says at the bottom: "image 1 of 13 # you are viewing the image with filename blablabla.jpg"

Is it possible to remove the whole footer-text?

edit: I have read the whole topic, with lots of directs, but most of the replies are 4 or 5 years old. So I don't know what is changed in the newer versions.
Last edit: 6 years 1 month ago by Seppe.

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6 years 1 month ago #169847 by JoomlaWorks
Create an MVC override in your template. Then you can modify the HTML output and remove or adjust the text strings you mentioned. For more, have a look at: (especially the last section)

Fotis / JoomlaWorks Support Team
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