I'd like to keep the colors on my site as they are in the demo and change only the primary color--i.e., make what's yellow in the demo orange while maintaining all the greys. I can't seem to do this through the Colour Variations in the template options; whatever I put in for the other colors (as best I can figure from Firebug and _variables.scss) seems to break something else. For example, I tried these colors...
Background colour: #313840
Primary colour: #ff9e1f
Base colour: #313840
Light colour: #e9e9e9
Dark colour: #292929
Body text: #FFFFFF
That renders the text in the "Services" section of the front page in #e9e9e9, not rgba(49, 56, 64, 0.6) as in the demo. But if I put #313840 (i.e., rgb 49, 56, 64) in for the Light Colour instead, then Item Body backgrounds are the same color as the text. Setting Body Text as #FFFFFF doesn't give the right shades everywhere either--it seems like the hex colors input in Colour Variations don't inherit the rgba transparencies the way the built-in colors do.
Is there a set of values we can put into Colour Variations to replicate the demo default colors? If not, would it be feasible to edit the Sass files, or is there a simple way to do it in custom.css? (I'm fairly comfortable with CSS but new to Sass.)
Running Joomla 2.5.14, Archetype 1.0.5, and K2 2.6.8; behaviour replicated in a Quickstart install on a local server. Loving the simplicity of your templates; there's probably a simple fix I'm just not thinking of!