Thanks for your interest in helping me - however, I finally figured out in putting my last reply to you that that was exactly the problem - the module call was linking as text - I managed to switch that to <code class="php">{loadposition advert1}</code></p> and VOILA - it's WORKED!! However, I still don't know why the original ever changed in the first place, nor do I remember actually putting the call in, in any other way than through the editor front end rather than as code in the backend which I've now done to fix it. Regardless. It's sorted. Amazing what you can achieve just by asking the question sometimes :)
Update - just discovered the real reason things have been mucked up so much for me lately with not just this mod but some others - seems the culprit has been my editors SCAYT spellchecking facility - for whatever reason regardless of the fact that I wasn't asking it to spellcheck anything, it was doing so as soon as I made any changes to a page & then inserting lots of text where it shouldn't be - in this case - right around the module call statement. Once I disabled it, all was finally and fully sorted.