I have tried for a while now to get the FPSS module to display correctly in IE8.0, but it's not working.
i did initially have a template issue, which caused the navbar items to have a bullet to the left of each line, resulting in a space between the navbar and the slides, but I solved that.
Now I have a new issue (only in IE) that results in an odd space between each navbar item, causing the animated grey bar to be out of sync with the items underneath.
So far I have tested the module successfully on Firefox 11, Opera 11, Safari 5, Google Chrome 18.0.1025.162 and the Android web browser. They all work.
Probably it will be easier for you to see what is going on by visiting my site:
- I am using FPSS3.2 with Joomla 2.5.
- I am loading the FPSS module from inside an article using the {loadposition xxx} command
- So far I have tried ALL jquery options on the modules config page, but changing this has so far made no difference
- I also tried compatibility mode in IE8. In this case, the module works, but the rest of the site doesn't display correctly any more....also, I don't see this as a valid fix, as I can't expect all the users to go into compatibility mode for this.....
Any help here would be hugely helpful as I have already spent ages searching in google and this very forum and not found a solution to my issue.