Love FPSS (version 3.2.0 ) (Joomla 1.5)– But one thing I have always wanted was for the ability to track when people click a slide that links to a document or website using google analytics 'events'. I looked around and seems there was no built-in way to do this or any success by other users - so I tried what I guess would be called a 'hack' of the fpss code ( I am by no means a coder and do not wish to insult the developer). Maybe this could be worked into the next version?
Using the JJ-Obs template as an example.
In the modules folder of the Joomla installation is the mod_ fpss folder - within that folder are all the templates. Within the main folder for each template is a php file. default.php
At or about line 20 you should see
<a<?php echo $slide->target; ?> href="<?php echo $slide->link; ?>" class="slide-link">
If you add your google onclick event code right after the initial <a tag it will now track the ‘event’ and it appears within google analytics
<a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'LINK-EXTERNAL', 'LINK-EXTERNAL', 'LINK-CASE-STUDIES-<?php echo $slide->title; ?>']);"<?php echo $slide->target; ?> href="<?php echo $slide->link; ?>" class="slide-link">
In the above example the final event label in google analytics would be unique and read
LINK-CASE-STUDIES-followed by the title that I have given the slide within fpss itself.