
K2 Content module

4 years 5 months ago #176706 by Chris
K2 Content module was created by Chris
Hallo erstmal,
bin komplett neu in joomla und habe mir nun k2 installiert.
Klapp soweit alles gut. Nun bräuchte ich mal ein wenig Hilfe zu dem Module.
Wie ändere ich das Styling. Das Module ist nun ziemlich simpel gehalten. Wie füge ich z.B. box-shadow hinzu?


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4 years 5 months ago #176714 by JoomlaWorks
Replied by JoomlaWorks on topic K2 Content module
Well, that depends on your site setup and most likely your chosen template.

If your template allows you to add custom CSS, you can simply write your own rules there. If not, you'll have to load a file in the template.

Or, even better, just copy the file /components/com_k2/css/k2.css into the folder /templates/YOUR_JOOMLA_TEMPLATE/html/css/ (create the "css" folder if it doesn't exist already) and edit that file directly. This way, your customized K2 CSS rules will never be overwritten when updating K2 in the future.

Fotis / JoomlaWorks Support Team
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4 years 2 months ago #177467 by hike39
Replied by hike39 on topic K2 Content module
Hello Fotis,

I also tried to implement an override for the k2.css. But unfortunately had no luck till today.

My way to do it was to create unter ../template/YOUR_JOOMLA_TEMPLATE/html a folder com_k2/css and copied in there the changed k2.css file.

Another try was to do it via the backend administration. The result was a file named k2_override.css in the above metioned folder.

The frustrating thing is that the k2-component uses only the k2.css of the original path.

Where am i wrong?


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4 years 2 months ago #177468 by hike39
Replied by hike39 on topic K2 Content module
thanks to another comment by Fotis I found the article of named 'Templating with k2'. There it is stated that the correct path for the override of the k2.css file is ../template/YOUR_JOOMLA_TEMPLATE/css. I've tested it and HALLELUJA it works.

Now I'm happy and stay healthy

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4 years 2 months ago #177469 by JoomlaWorks
Replied by JoomlaWorks on topic K2 Content module

Fotis / JoomlaWorks Support Team
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