Is there a way to add custom css for each of these extra fields or can you only create custom css for generic classes (such as 'label-select', or 'multi-select' or 'itemExtraFields'? Adding custom css on an extra-item basis and for each category would be a very handy feature.
I realize that you can add custom content for each items by assigning a template you modify (category view, 'select template') but still you're getting all items in 1 big block and e.g. you can't easily allow the first extra field to be to the right of the full text, and another at the bottom. Or can you?
For now, what I do is to create a template and comment out line 162 and 171 of category_item.php which removes the div of ItemExtraFields and add a div with a class 'foreach' of the generated extra items. I presume this would be the easiest way to create a css based display allowing to mix regular and extra fields?
Congrats for the great component!