I have a new project. I will need to build one website with 4 templates. Each template will have at least four custom fields or areas. There will a home page, a few category pages, product pages and a few static pages. A product page for example will have a text area (main content), two list fields (unordered specs), a small text field, a large image field, three sub images with captions and a links box split into two columns. K2 indicates in its templating documentation:
So if your website had 3 major areas, say a news section, a knowledge base and a catalog of products, you create 3 copies of the "default" folder, rename them to something relative to these areas (e.g. news, kb, catalog) and then you create your create each parent category, assigning the respective sub-template each time. Then you edit each sub-template and get the desired layout for your site.
So I guess mine - as I described - will have four major areas. So I need to create four copies of the default K2 Template folder /components/com_k2/templates/, rename them they way I wish and start editing them? So I could make 1) /templates/home/html/com_k2/ 2) /templates/categories/html/com_k2/ 3) /templates/products/html/com_k2/ 4) /templates/static-pages/html/com_k2/But what do you mean by creating a parent category? A parent category will get the name of one of the four areas and will be connected to its template, correct? But how do a add sub templates to my templates? A sub template is just a custom fields I add?