I perused parts of the forum section, and searched the site but have not found a real answer to why K2 fails to properly display categories on the front page when linked to via the menu. I've seen plenty of posts saying the demo version and the distribution version are different and the distribution version does not come with the demonstrated capabilities of the demo site, which I find to be very hard to believe.
I just upgraded to K2 v2.1 from 1.02b-ish. All settings are default. I had no errors installing the new version.
From what I can tell the template to display as categories appears to be intact. The CSS file appears to match what some have posted on the site when explaining how to modify how the categories display.
The default menu link when creating the menu item is "index.php?option=com_k2&view=default", and I am unable to change it in the Joomla backend.
Joomla version is 1.5.14, and MySQL is 5.0.22.
When utilizing debug and error reporting, the following message is generated in the area above the K2_breadcrumbs module:
"Notice: Undefined variable: path in /public/modules/mod_k2_tools/helper.php on line 425 Notice: Undefined variable: title in /public/modules/mod_k2_tools/helper.php on line 425 "
line 425: return array($path, $title);
Nothing is generated in k2_container area.
The only SQL processed related to K2 is:
SELECT t.name
FROM jos_k2_tags AS t
LEFT JOIN jos_k2_tags_xref tags_xref
ON tags_xref.tagID = t.id
LEFT JOIN jos_k2_items i
ON tags_xref.itemID = i.id
LEFT JOIN jos_k2_categories c
ON c.id = i.catid
WHERE t.published=1
AND i.published=1
AND ( i.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR i.publish_up <= '2009-10-19 04:00:39' )
AND ( i.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR i.publish_down >= '2009-10-19 04:00:39' )
AND i.trash=0
AND i.access <= 2
AND c.published=1
AND c.trash=0
AND c.access <= 2"
Every other method to access/search for data stored in the K2 tables seems to populate the webpage... just not the default frontpage view.
Any help would be appreciated.