www.tang (delete this) entproducts.com. K2 was used for every aspect of the site using multiple custom K2 component/module templates.
mod_k2_content sub-template was used for: homepage (news/twitter), footer (team members), gallery (bottom module), and contact (twitter and contact text).
K2 Component was used for: products, team, gallery details and stories.
For the galleries, the site admin uploads a thumbnail and inserts an album ID for Slideshow Pro Director. The rest is handled by the custom template.
For the team, the site admin uploads a photo for the thumbnail, enters the members first name, full name, classification, facebook ID and Twitter Username. They then upload an image using JCE to a folder called team headers and enter the image name into a custom field. All elements are utilized in the template.
Stories/News: XS thumbnails are automatically cropped and scaled to 155x133 no matter what the original dimensions. This was customized within the system, but all other images are re-sized proportionately.
I hope this site helps give an inside look to the possibilities of K2. I Love this component. This website took me 5 long days. It would have taken MUCH MUCH longer without K2.