There appears to be almost zero info available here or anywhere on how to customise the search results display page /layout.
Can anyone help me with how to customise the display options for a search results page please ? I've tried modifying items and category settings but they seem to have no effect, unless I've missed something ( which is possible ).
A search results page in K2 gives full text per listing - which you just don't need for a search result list, and I'm lost as to how to customise this - or even find the file that contains the code to maybe just remove it for now...
I have however, discovered that I can disable the K2 search module, and enable the joomla search module, which gives results more to what I want ( ie just title, date, maybe intro text or not ), but as it also strips the html from the results, if you use things like shortened code embeds such as " {audio}your audio / video file {/audio} " then it displays the pathway to the media file ( everything inside the {audio},{/audio} the search result item content, which is not a good look and something you don't want.
Any ideas anyone ?
Thanks, P
PS I sure hope there's a new version soon with all the fixes needed in it - SIG compatibilty, comment notification, search display customs, a pagebreak that works anywhere in an item content display and a few others......