Hello everyone!
My system:
* Joomla - 1.5.15
* Virtuemart - 1.1.4
* Joomlaworks K2 - 2.1
First of all, I'm running a production site with just Joomla and Virtuemart and I'm having no trouble at all. I'm a designer with limited knowledge of PHP.
This said, lets go to the problem!
What I'm facing now is that I need to configured a Blog in this site and I having troubles with the integration with Joomlaworks K2.
My problem is with user groups. I've tried different approaches:
* 1º - Register with Joomla.
* 2º - Register with K2.
* 3º - Register with Virtuemart.
In any of the options the user appear in their respective component the trouble is in the user group and its privileges.
* 1º - If I register via Joomla, the user is assign to K2 user groups, but doesn't assign to the VM shopper group.
* 2º - If I register via K2, the same happens as in the first option.
* 3º - If I register via VM, the user is assign to VM shopper groups, but doesn't assing to the K2 user group.
I investigated the away the different options work, and I realise that in the case of Joomla registration, the K2 system plugin overrides this form, and that's the away of assigning the user to the respective group and synchronising the system between Joomla and K2, leaving VM outside.
With the VM registration form, it outputs info just for VM and Joomla, and that's why K2 doesn't recognise the user group.
I'm thinking of putting it to work with just Joomla + VM interaction, without assigning users to K2 user groups, but that gives me problem with the comments function, that will not work for register users only because it's not assigning users to any specific user group in K2.
Any idea of how can I put it all working together?
Tkx in advance and sorry for my bad english!