
[Solved] K2 frontend item submission form

14 years 5 months ago #81382 by flabz
I was looking for solution for a long time but didn't found anything...

By default, K2 frontend editor is beeing opened in popup modal window.
The link in K2 login module that opens the form is the following:<a class="modal" rel="{handler:'iframe',size:{x:990,y:650}}" href="<?php echo $user->profile->addLink; ?>"><?php echo JText::_('Add new item'); ?></a>

I don't want that form to be a modal. So, the easiest answer for my
question is removing 'class' and 'rel' descriptions from that link.

But. In that case article submission form opens on a blank page. And,
although 'Save' button works, 'Cancel' button doesn't work at all...
Anyway, even if all the buttons work fine, such representing of that
form isn't suitable for me.

My purpose is to open K2 item submission form within site template (inmain component area). For now I've copied all my template's html code to that form template, and that's the worst solution i could imagine... No dynamic blocks
output, all the changes to menus should be done manually etc...

I even don't hope that anyone can give me an advice what to do, but who
knows.... Please!.. Has anyone any ideas how to do that?

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14 years 5 months ago #81383 by flabz
Replied by flabz on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Please.... Even if anyone knows that it's impossible to do - post here the answer...
I'm bored of searching the solution... If it's impossible - i'll just stop breaking my head...

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14 years 5 months ago #81384 by Armands P
Replied by Armands P on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Probably not the answer you are looking for, but...

It seems in the modal window k2 overrides the default template - tells not to display anything but k2 on the page

I'm guessing joomla has such a feature built in - and k2 is using it
So I would search in the Joomla documentation - and try to find the k2 php files responsible for this behavior

Such reprogramming might take some time - if you're on a deadline - your hack maybe the best solution.

Why a modal window doesn't work for you?
If it doesn`t fit in your design - you can redesign it with css - and sometimes some js editing.

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14 years 5 months ago #81385 by flabz
Replied by flabz on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Thanks a lot for your reply, but I've already found the solution!

I solved everything in very easy way!
Just created in my joomla template folder new file called "component.php", which was the copy of my main "index.php" file. That's all! Everything worked fine!)))

I'm very confused, because I've read lots of Joomla documentation and MVC classes description while looking for answer... But it was so easy....

Why a modal window doesn't work for me? As for me - it works. But my customer doesn't accept it...

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14 years 5 months ago #81386 by Armands P
Replied by Armands P on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Nice solution - adding this to my knowledge base folder :)

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14 years 3 months ago #81387 by desiboy
Replied by desiboy on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
I'm having the same issue. can you please explain this step by step. Thanks.

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14 years 3 months ago #81388 by sigpro_firsttry
Replied by sigpro_firsttry on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Yes, please share this excellent solution with us!


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14 years 2 months ago #81389 by PM Muthumbi
Replied by PM Muthumbi on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Flabz, please explain this, it is interesting coz most of us are almost going nuts trying to crack our heads on this issue. I am doing this right away. Thanks for sharing.

sigpro_firsttry said:Yes, please share this excellent solution with us!

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14 years 2 months ago #81390 by PM Muthumbi
Replied by PM Muthumbi on topic [Solved] K2 frontend item submission form
Is there a hidden solution to this than the above provided by Flabz, i did exactly that but i am getting an error, Cannot redeclare class K2ModelItem in /components/com_k2/models/item.php on line 930. I will be gland to get this solution.
The annoying thing is the fact that the cancel button does not work and that the whole form fills the page and one can only escape the item addition by going back where you came from. For frontend users this can be a very difficult thing to do.

PM Muthumbi said:Flabz, please explain this, it is interesting coz most of us are almost going nuts trying to crack our heads on this issue. I am doing this right away. Thanks for sharing. sigpro_firsttry said:Yes, please share this excellent solution with us! Thanks!

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