
Advanced search page

14 years 5 months ago #81906 by Dylan
Advanced search page was created by Dylan
K2 is great as it is. Love it already. First install about a week ago or something. Time spent is still in hours so truly a K2 starter but already in love.A feature though I would really love to see in future releases is an advanced search page where the site visitor can
Search on a combination of tags. Perhaps something with all tags alphabetized and check-boxes though sites with a lot of tags might get huge pages that way.
Text-box to search on exact match, all search terms, any search terms(default searches in tags, categories, full-text, title, meta)
Search within date range (created/modified)
Refine search
Search within category
(for Joomfish multilingual sites) search in current language, selected languages or all languages
If there are no matches, return to search page with same options/values still filled in, preceded by a notice like "sorry, no results. try deselecting some things"
Back-end configuration who can search unpublished items

- I put searching on multiple tags on 1 because that's what I would definitely love most. Perhaps with back-end configuration whether search is a search on all tags, a search on any or whether the front-end user has the option to choose.For some of the others it makes sense if there is a back-end configuration to set default value. For instance search on date range all or search within current language with front-end option for user to change it.Of course show or hide for each search option. An with the example code, designers can easily change the order or layout with template overrides/sub-templating.A search page with some or might I dream perhaps even all of the above would be a great enhancement of an already great product. Thanks for all that you've made so far.

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13 years 1 month ago #81907 by Ruth Cheesley
Replied by Ruth Cheesley on topic Advanced search page
Search by date is something major which is missing and quite a significant thing for an article-driven news site - trying to find a way of implementing it.


Finder worked well but the database tripled in size and caused problems so I had to uninstall it :(



Ruth Cheesley
Virya Technologies

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