I'm from Holland and there Hyves is very populair social network site.
I want an social bookmark so visitors on my site can click on the social hyves button and put an article on their 'hyves' page.
On the developer page of Hyves I read this:
<a href="
www.hyves-share.nl/button/tip/?tipcategoryid=12&rating=5&title=test title&body=test body" target="_blank" style="font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;font-size:12px;text-decoration:none;color:#3588D5;"><img src="/
cache.hyves-static.net/images/logo/app/icon_16.png" alt="tippen" border='0' />Tip this on Hyves</a>
When I put this code in my settings of K2 in html social bookmark code I see the social button and the link works ok but.... how can I put the tekst of the article into this code?
Hyves also say:
Locate: title: =test title&And change: test title into the title you want.
Locate: body: =test body"And change: test body into the description text you want.
So I have to replace "test title" into a K2 article title
and "test body" into a K2 article
This Hyves social button must be above every article