Hi all,i've search a lot but i'vent found a solution for this, so i ask to who is better than me (sorry for my bad english)here is the problem:i've an environment that use FTP to gives correct permission to files into my Linux hosting server, so i've to use FTP to avoid that files become owned by apache:apache instead to correctuser:correctgroup, making a disaster with permission.i've just started to use K2, finding a fantastic upgrade of possibilites to joomla, and i'm making a test site to a group of my friends to make their happy and for me to learn how K2 works.but at now, the cold shower:avatars doesn't load from the frontend, when from the backend all goes well.i've start investigate and i've discovered that all the materials that i've upladed from backend goes up correctly via FTP and is assignet to correctuser:correctgroup , but if i upload something from the frontend it belongs to apache:apache, that happens when someone doesn't use the FTP correcty configured in Joomla and use instead an HTTP upload.Obviously for me this is a disaster: the most important thing in K2 try to make to us the most dangerous security leak? can't be true, there's obviously some kind of misconfiguration from me.But i've searched a lot all around and i've found nothing about it.can someone say to me what i've made wrong?