
Save items nicely for users

  • juju
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13 years 5 months ago #95529 by juju
Save items nicely for users was created by juju
Hi everyone,


I apply modifications here by Hanny :


With that, when the user click on the save button, the pop-up box is closed and the page refresh.


But I would do a more friendly system for the users :


When they click on the save button, they would have a gif animation in the window while the article is saved, and when it's done, they would have a message who said them "Item send".


I want to do that because when you put an image and attachments, it's pretty long to saved the article, and I think the user will find the time long...


I know that I can display an alert like : alert( 'Item send' ) when the article was save, but how I can display a gif or a message while the article is saved ?


Thanks ;)



PS : Also, I have an other question to ask you, in form.php :

How I can have the category selected by the user in the drop box ? Because I have to customize the message to the user if he can publish or not ;)

So I wrote that code :


$user = &JFactory::getUser();if ($user->authorize('com_k2', 'publish', 'category', 'all') || $user->authorize('com_k2', 'publish', 'category', [Category])){            alert('Item published'); }else{

    alert('Item send to an administrator');



But I need the if of the category :/


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  • juju
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13 years 5 months ago #95530 by juju
Replied by juju on topic Save items nicely for users
With this code, I don't know why, but I have an alert with an error "Calendar.setup" , how I can fix it ?


Here is the code :


<?php if (JRequest::getInt('step')=='1') { ?>        <script language="javascript">                                var XHRCheckin = new Ajax('index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&task=checkin&cid=<?php echo $this->row->id; ?>', {            method: 'post'        });        dummy = $time() + $random(0, 100);        XHRCheckin.request("t"+dummy);        parent.$('sbox-window').close();        var urlredirecttest='index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=<?php echo $this->row->id; ?>';                <?php                         $user = &JFactory::getUser();        $db = & JFactory::getDBO();        $query = "SELECT * FROM #__k2_users  WHERE userID=".(int)$user->id;        $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);        $profile = $db->loadObject();                    require_once (JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_k2'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'permissions'.'.php');            if (K2HelperPermissions::canPublishItem($this->row->catid)) {                ?> alert('Votre article a été publié sur le site, cliquez sur ok pour voir votre article.');                 window.parent.location.replace(urlredirecttest); <?php            }else{                 ?> alert('Votre article a été envoyé à un administrateur, il sera publié après vérification.'); window.parent.location.reload();<?php                            }                ?>                        </script>        <?php    } ?>

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