
checkbox in extrafield with searching problem :/

13 years 3 months ago #97397 by mach
ı think i have been solved the problem which is checkbox selection in extrafield but ı couldn't apply it to be searchable in ja k2 search plugin. After saving the item it doesn't update the ja plugin database table. When ı use the reindexing it updates but after if ı do some changing in item then ı save the data rows in table is become empty how can ı overcome...


ı add the checbox in extrafiled by this way


first of all i added some code in the libraries/joomla/htmla/html/select.php


function checkboxGroup( $arr, $name, $attribs = null, $key = 'value', $text = 'text', $selected = NULL , $idtag = false, $translate = false )    {        reset( $arr );        $html = '';        if (is_array($attribs)) {            $attribs = JArrayHelper::toString($attribs);         }        $id_text = $name;        if ( $idtag ) {            $id_text = $idtag;        }                foreach ($arr as $i => $option)        {            $element =& $arr[$i]; // since current doesn't return a reference, need to do this            $isArray = is_array( $element );            $extra     = '';            if ($isArray)            {                $k         = $element[$key];                $t         = $element[$text];                $id     = ( isset( $element ) ? $element : null );            }            else            {                $k         = $element->$key;                $t         = $element->$text;                $id     = ( isset( $element->id ) ? $element->id : null );                }                                    $splitText = explode( ' - ', $t, 2 );                $t = $splitText[0];                if(isset($splitText[1])){ $t .= ' - '. $splitText[1]; }                                            $extra    = '';            $extra    .= $id ? " id=\"" . $arr[$i]->id . "\"" : '';               if (is_array( $selected ))            {                foreach ($selected as $val)                {                    $k2 = is_object( $val ) ? $val->$key : $val;                    if ($k == $k2)                    {                        $extra .= " checked=\"checked\"";                        break;                    }                }            } else {                $extra .= ((string)$k == (string)$checked ? " checked=\"checked\"" : '');            }                        //if flag translate text                if ($translate) {                    $t = JText::_( $t );                }                // ensure ampersands are encoded                $k = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($k);                $t = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($t);            $id_text    = str_replace('','', $id_text);                $html .= "\n\t<label for=\"$id_text$k\">$t</label>";                $html .= "\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$id_text$k\" value=\"".$k."\"$extra $attribs />";        }        return $html;    }


ı try to mix radio and option function to be appriopriate to use by checboxlist




in the administrator/component/com_k2/model/extrafield.php


i added some code piece on line 60 to be like this 


if ($row->type=='select' || $row->type=='multipleSelect' || $row->type=='radio' || $row->type=='checkbox'){                $object->set('value', $i+1);            }


and some another on line 162


if ($extraField->type=='textfield' || $extraField->type=='csv' || $extraField->type=='labels' || $extraField->type=='checkbox' )                $active=$value->value;


some another on line 222 


case 'checkbox':        $output=JHTML::_('select.checkboxGroup', $defaultValues, 'K2ExtraField_'.$extraField->id.'[]','', 'value', 'name', $active);            break;

and added on line 291 to be searchable


else if ($row->type=='multipleSelect' || $extraField->type=='checkbox'){            foreach ($jsonObject as $option){                if (in_array($option->value,$currentValue))                $value.=$option->name.' ';            }        }

in the

in the administrator/component/com_k2/view/extrafiled/extrafield.php


i added on line 48


$typeOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 'checkbox', JText::_('Checkbox list'));


and in the administrator/component/com_k2/view/extrafiled/tmpl/default.php


i added case 'checkbox':  under  case 'multipleSelect':




i hope ı can be helpfull it is my first post to help peope this is important for me. I try to make realestate site by using k2 so checkboxes so important for tihs like search module and plugin but the advanced search not enough to do this how can ı overcome this poblem. ı couldnt solve the search problem checkboxes if anyone do this i appraciate him/her. İn addiiton ı can choose which extrafields are shown in module but the system of plugin and module is the same how  can ı seperate this. I want to show some extrafiled in module in the some where but ı dont want to show anotherwhere it must be choosable. Thank you for reading. I am waiting for helpfull replies.

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13 years 3 months ago #97398 by mach
didnt anyone wrote something here yet :S ı tried to help and wanted some helps but it didnt work as ı see :/

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