
? How to show items in sub-category but not parent category ?

13 years 3 months ago #97822 by cra2




How do I show items for a sub-category without showing them for the parent categories?


I have K2 categories three levels deep.

E.g.  "Businesses>New York Businesses>Food"

 So under New York, there are dozens of business categories; (food, cabs, cleaning, etc).

In each of the business sub-categories, there are dozens of business 'items'; (barney's, mcdonalds, TJ's, etc).

And I have publishers adding items (businesses) to this structure constantly.


When someone clicks on Food (under New York), I want them to see all the businesses (items) there.

But when someone clicks on New York, I only want them to see the business sub-categories; Food, Cabs, Cleaners, etc.  Not the items under each.


I have the sub-categories inheriting properties from the parent categories because I want to toggle settings (like whether or not to show Author) at a higher level - NOT for each of the hundreds of business items.


But if I tell the sub-category (Food) to inherit from the parent category (New York Businesses), I wind up seeing all the items in a list under New York.  If I go to New York and tell it not to list items, then I wind up NOT seeing the items under the sub-category (Food).


So where can I tell the category to SHOW ITEMS of sub-categories, but not the category itself?


For reference this is related to this question, but slightly different:

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13 years 3 months ago #97823 by gerardo
I'm also just learning here but maybe you can try this. Change the settings from just one of the child categories and tell it not to inherit it's parents categories. Then tell all of it's sibling categories (from the same level) to inherit the settings not from it's parent category but from the particular brother category with the proper settings. That way you can change freely the settings from parent categories since it's children categories aren't inherting their settings.What do you think?


I hope this is helpful.

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13 years 3 months ago #97824 by cra2

That WOULD be helpful, very much so.  I didn't know you could inherit from a sibling.  Hadn't thought of that.  I don't have access to it now but will try that later tonite.  THANKS

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