
How translate items in k2

12 years 2 months ago #101102 by Max
How translate items in k2 was created by Max

I've bought a template at (well my cliente do it :dry: ) when I install the joomla provider (2.5.6), I have to install sample data, and when I finish k2 is just installed.

After I installed joomfish to translate, version 2.5.0 (Tarw), one that works with k2.

Well k2 not appears in joomfish, and I google for information, but the way , maybe because is for older version doesn't works.

I would like someone could tell me one way to translate items, it could be with joomfish or the a diferente way. But I need to it somehow.

thanks in advance !

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12 years 2 months ago #101103 by william white
Replied by william white on topic Re: How translate items in k2
I havent used joomfish, but since when installing k2 (all versions) there is an error/warning after installation, that says something like "while installing k2 we did not find joomfish"
I assume that if it found it it would add or do something else in the install routines, May want to try installing in steps and putting joomfish first before k2

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12 years 2 months ago #101104 by Max
Replied by Max on topic Re: How translate items in k2
I copy all XML files from contentelement to libraries\joomfish\contentelement\contentelements and I can translate items, but first in joomfish translate does's appear categories, and then the most important, In k2 item list do not appear the item translate.

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12 years 2 months ago #101105 by Max
Replied by Max on topic Re: How translate items in k2

I put the relation between items in joomfish database, and I get item ID by SQL.

But now I need somethig, that I can get with default joomla functions. What I need is get the URL of an item by its ID.

I have item ID, I need the function that K2 use to get the URL.

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12 years 2 months ago #101106 by Max
Replied by Max on topic Re: How translate items in k2
Well, Now I resolve in a way. Joomfish future, the pre version before the realise do not work to me with k2. So I fill table #__js_traslationmap to make realtionship to items in differents languages.

Then I override the method rerouteCurrentUrl in class JFRoute (libraries/joomfish/route/jfroute.php

This is the new code (there is part I am not sure).

public function rerouteCurrentUrl($code=null)

$vars = $this->getSafeVariablesFromRoutedRequest();
/* Take care of this if, I am not really sure */
if($vars == 'item' && ($vars==$vars) && $vars = 'com_k2'){

$id = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",$vars);


return urldecode(JRoute::_(K2HelperRoute::getItemRoute($vars)));
/* nl because is my default site language, if you know how to get this value, please tell me */
if($code!='nl' && $vars!='nl'){
$query = "SELECT T.translation_id as k2_id,K.alias as alias FROM #__jf_translationmap T ".
"INNER JOIN #__k2_items K ON ( = T.translation_id) ".
"WHERE T.reference_id = (SELECT TM.reference_id FROM #__jf_translationmap TM WHERE TM.translation_id = $id) ".
"AND (SUBSTR(T.LANGUAGE,1,2) = '$code') AND (T.reference_table = 'k2_items') ";

}else if($vars!='nl'){
$query = "SELECT T.reference_id as k2_id,K.alias as alias FROM #__jf_translationmap T ".
"INNER JOIN #__k2_items K ON ( = T.reference_id) ".
"WHERE (T.reference_table = 'k2_items') AND (T.translation_id = $id)";
$query = "SELECT T.translation_id as k2_id,K.alias as alias FROM #__jf_translationmap T ".
"INNER JOIN #__k2_items K ON ( = T.translation_id) ".
"WHERE (T.reference_table = 'k2_items') AND (T.reference_id = $id) AND (SUBSTR(T.LANGUAGE,1,2) = '$code')";

$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$result = $db->loadObject();

$url = urldecode(JRoute::_(K2HelperRoute::getItemRoute($result->k2_id.':'.urlencode($result->alias))));
$url = str_ireplace('/'.$vars.'/', '/'.$code.'/', $url);
return $url;

// @Todo if this is not default language this vars might be wrong due to translated path!

$router = JFactory::getApplication()->getRouter();
$uri = JURI::getInstance();

/////// 1. save current lang codes for later ///////////////////////////////////////////
$currentlang = isset($vars) ? $vars : null;
$currentJoomlaLang = $this->_conf->get('language');

/////// 2. set lang code in router and JURI vars to $code, push it to the router
$vars = $code;
$uri->setVar('lang', $code);
$router->setVars($vars, false);

/////// 3. swap menu values with translated ones ////////////////////////////////////////

// switch active translation language
$this->switchJFLanguageShortcode($code, true);

JFactory::$language = null; // reset language instance as JFDatabase->setLanguage uses JFactory::getLanguage()

// get translated menu
$menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
$menu->__construct(); // force re-loading of the menu

// fix item routes for this item as routing is based on active menu $item->route
// and translated query doesn't change menu routes
not needed as it is done in menu override for all items
/*$itemid = $vars ? $vars : JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
$menuitems = & $menu->getMenu();
$this->fixMenuItemRoutes($menuitems, $itemid);*/

/////// 4. route vars //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$varstring = 'index.php?'.$uri->buildQuery($vars);
//$varstring = 'index.php?lang=nl&option=com_k2&view=item&id=92';
//$currenturl= $uri->toString(array('path', 'query'));
$absolute = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port'));
$routedurl = $absolute . JRoute::_($varstring, true, $uri->isSSL());

/////// 5. reset everything to the previous state so we don't affect anything //////////
$vars = $currentlang;
$uri->setVar('lang', $currentlang);
$router->setVars($vars, false);
$this->switchJFLanguageShortcode($currentlang, false);
JFactory::$language = null;

// fix url if we are using sef domains

return $routedurl;


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