I'd like to translate my extra fields with Falang (I think it is practicly the same as with joomfish).
Or do I have to create a extra xml-file. I wonder how it works with several Extra Fields Groups.
This is the content of k2_items.xml - file. I tried to add extra fields, but without success.
No valid database connection: DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'c.fulltextaaa' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.id, c.title, c.introtext, c.fulltext, c.fulltextaaa, c.image_caption, c.image_credits, c.video_caption, c.video_creditsss, c.extra_fields, c.extra_fields_search, c.metakey, c.metadesc, jfc.id as jfc_id, jfc.value as titleTranslation, jfc.modified as lastchanged, jfc.published as published, jfc.language_id, jfl.title as language, jfc.reference_id as jfc_refid FROM mare_k2_items as c LEFT JOIN mare_falang_content as jfc ON c.id=jfc.reference_id AND jfc.reference_field='title' AND jfc.reference_table='k2_items' AND jfc.language_id=4 LEFT JOIN mare_languages as jfl ON jfc.language_id=jfl.lang_id ORDER BY c.title LIMIT 0, 20
Help is very appreciated.
Thank you!