I'd like to create some extra field for k2 categories and use the value for the category view. I've been able to display the extra field but I can't seem to get the parameter from the xml file.
I have added those two lines in administrator/components/com_k2/models/category.xml
<param name="extra_class" type="text" size="10" default="" label="K2_EXTRA_CLASS" description="K2_EXTRA_CLASS_DESC"/>
<field name="extra_class" type="text" size="10" default="" label="K2_EXTRA_CLASS" description="K2_EXTRA_CLASS_DESC"/>
And I have this line in templates\ja_vintas\html\com_k2\ja_vintas\category.php
<!-- Subcategory title -->
<h2 class="<?php echo $this->params->get('extra_class'); ?>">
I can see the extra field I put in admin panel and enter a value and save it. But that extra_class value is always empty. How can I make it work?