All such options are under each category's settings. If you have lots of categories, it makes sense to create a "template" category and have all others (or some) inherit the display options of this "template" category.
Fotis / JoomlaWorks Support Team
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~ The quick way:
Locate K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC2 in your frontend language files. This is a language string defined in K2's language files and if you change it, it will instantly change any part of K2 in the frontend that uses it (most).
Change K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC2="%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M" to K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC2="%A, %d %B %Y" for example.
~ The clean way:
Create a sub-template (with an override for category_item.php) and have one ore more categories use that sub-template wherever you like. The category_item.php override you'll make can have a different date/time format.