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Search Results (Searched for: Re Error SQL)

  • Pellegrino Lippiello
  • Pellegrino Lippiello's Avatar
11 Jul 2013 20:09
Errore inserimento nuovo articolo was created by Pellegrino Lippiello

Errore inserimento nuovo articolo

Category: Comunità italiana K2


ogni volta che voglio aggiungere un articolo mi compare questo errore:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 6 SQL=UPDATE jos_k2_items SET video_caption = '', video_credits = '', extra_fields = '[]', extra_fields_search = '' , published = '0' WHERE id =

e andando a controllare il DB mi risulta che l'ID dell'articolo è 0 ed ogni volta devo andare a modificare questo parametro...

Potete per favore aiutarmi?
  • JoomlaWorks
  • JoomlaWorks's Avatar
09 Jul 2013 00:17
  • Pere Castanyer Sardà
  • Pere Castanyer Sardà's Avatar
08 Jul 2013 15:58
Replied by Pere Castanyer Sardà on topic [Arreglado] error SQL en modulo tagcloud...

[Arreglado] error SQL en modulo tagcloud...

Category: Comunidad hispana oficial de K2


Arreglado en

Seguid el link que aparece en el bug report y al final hallaréis la solucion!.

  • Pere Castanyer Sardà
  • Pere Castanyer Sardà's Avatar
04 Jul 2013 16:06
K2 Tagcloud not working as multilanguage? was created by Pere Castanyer Sardà

K2 Tagcloud not working as multilanguage?

Category: English K2 Community

Hi all,

I'm trying to enable the module k2tools as TagCloud in a multilanguage site.
I'm recieving this error when I enable the tagcloud for any language:

Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND tag.published = 1' at line 4 SQL=SELECT, FROM cfubg_k2_tags as tag LEFT JOIN cfubg_k2_tags_xref AS xref ON xref.tagID = WHERE xref.itemID IN () AND tag.published = 1

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Joomla 3.1.1 and k2-svn
  • Pere Castanyer Sardà
  • Pere Castanyer Sardà's Avatar
04 Jul 2013 14:57 - 08 Jul 2013 15:59
[Arreglado] error SQL en modulo tagcloud... was created by Pere Castanyer Sardà

[Arreglado] error SQL en modulo tagcloud...

Category: Comunidad hispana oficial de K2


Estoy intentando configurar el tagcloud module para multiidioma y me sale esto:

Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND tag.published = 1' at line 4 SQL=SELECT, FROM cfubg_k2_tags as tag LEFT JOIN cfubg_k2_tags_xref AS xref ON xref.tagID = WHERE xref.itemID IN () AND tag.published = 1

Uso K2-svn en Joomla 3.1.1

Attachment not found

  • Cristine
  • Cristine's Avatar
29 Jun 2013 17:48
Importing existing articles was created by Cristine

Importing existing articles

Category: English K2 Community

I've just discovered K2 and would apologize for the basic question. I'm using a template from rockettheme, with a rocketlauncher install. When I try to import the existing articles over as items in K2, I am getting an error and can't do it. This would save so much time - has anyone come across this before? Thanks for and assistance!!

An error has occurred.
0 SQL=INSERT INTO `sec_k2_categories` (`id`,`name`,`alias`,`description`,`parent`,`published`,`image`,`access`,`ordering`,`params`,`trash`,`language`) VALUES ('2','Uncategorised','uncategorised','','0','1','','1','4','{\"theme\":\"default\",\"num_leading_items\":\"2\",\"num_leading_columns\":\"1\",\"leadingImgSize\":\"Large\",\"num_primary_items\":\"4\",\"num_primary_columns\":\"2\",\"primaryImgSize\":\"Medium\",\"num_secondary_items\":\"4\",\"num_secondary_columns\":\"1\",\"secondaryImgSize\":\"Small\",\"num_links\":\"4\",\"num_links_columns\":\"1\",\"linksImgSize\":\"XSmall\",\"catCatalogMode\":\"0\",\"catFeaturedItems\":\"1\",\"catOrdering\":\"\",\"catPagination\":\"2\",\"catPaginationResults\":\"1\",\"catTitle\":\"1\",\"catTitleItemCounter\":\"1\",\"catDescription\":\"1\",\"catImage\":\"1\",\"catFeedLink\":\"1\",\"catFeedIcon\":\"1\",\"subCategories\":\"1\",\"subCatColumns\":\"2\",\"subCatOrdering\":\"\",\"subCatTitle\":\"1\",\"subCatTitleItemCounter\":\"1\",\"subCatDescription\":\"1\",\"subCatImage\":\"1\",\"itemImageXS\":\"\",\"itemImageS\":\"\",\"itemImageM\":\"\",\"itemImageL\":\"\",\"itemImageXL\":\"\",\"catItemTitle\":\"1\",\"catItemTitleLinked\":\"1\",\"catItemFeaturedNotice\":\"0\",\"catItemAuthor\":\"1\",\"catItemDateCreated\":\"1\",\"catItemRating\":\"0\",\"catItemImage\":\"1\",\"catItemIntroText\":\"1\",\"catItemIntroTextWordLimit\":\"\",\"catItemExtraFields\":\"0\",\"catItemHits\":\"0\",\"catItemCategory\":\"1\",\"catItemTags\":\"1\",\"catItemAttachments\":\"0\",\"catItemAttachmentsCounter\":\"0\",\"catItemVideo\":\"0\",\"catItemVideoWidth\":\"\",\"catItemVideoHeight\":\"\",\"catItemAudioWidth\":\"\",\"catItemAudioHeight\":\"\",\"catItemVideoAutoPlay\":\"0\",\"catItemImageGallery\":\"0\",\"catItemDateModified\":\"0\",\"catItemReadMore\":\"1\",\"catItemCommentsAnchor\":\"1\",\"catItemK2Plugins\":\"1\",\"itemDateCreated\":\"1\",\"itemTitle\":\"1\",\"itemFeaturedNotice\":\"1\",\"itemAuthor\":\"1\",\"itemFontResizer\":\"1\",\"itemPrintButton\":\"1\",\"itemEmailButton\":\"1\",\"itemSocialButton\":\"1\",\"itemVideoAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemImageGalleryAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemCommentsAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemRating\":\"1\",\"itemImage\":\"1\",\"itemImgSize\":\"Large\",\"itemImageMainCaption\":\"1\",\"itemImageMainCredits\":\"1\",\"itemIntroText\":\"1\",\"itemFullText\":\"1\",\"itemExtraFields\":\"1\",\"itemDateModified\":\"1\",\"itemHits\":\"1\",\"itemCategory\":\"1\",\"itemTags\":\"1\",\"itemAttachments\":\"1\",\"itemAttachmentsCounter\":\"1\",\"itemVideo\":\"1\",\"itemVideoWidth\":\"\",\"itemVideoHeight\":\"\",\"itemAudioWidth\":\"\",\"itemAudioHeight\":\"\",\"itemVideoAutoPlay\":\"0\",\"itemVideoCaption\":\"1\",\"itemVideoCredits\":\"1\",\"itemImageGallery\":\"1\",\"itemNavigation\":\"1\",\"itemComments\":\"1\",\"itemTwitterButton\":\"1\",\"itemFacebookButton\":\"1\",\"itemGooglePlusOneButton\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorBlock\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorImage\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorDescription\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorURL\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorEmail\":\"0\",\"itemAuthorLatest\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorLatestLimit\":\"5\",\"itemRelated\":\"1\",\"itemRelatedLimit\":\"5\",\"itemRelatedTitle\":\"1\",\"itemRelatedCategory\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedImageSize\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedIntrotext\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedFulltext\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedAuthor\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedMedia\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedImageGallery\":\"0\",\"itemK2Plugins\":\"1\",\"catMetaDesc\":\"\",\"catMetaKey\":\"\",\"catMetaRobots\":\"\",\"catMetaAuthor\":\"\"}','0','*')
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  • RAMBAUD's Avatar
27 Jun 2013 18:14
Error in K2 elements was created by RAMBAUD

Error in K2 elements

Category: English K2 Community


I have a problem in the administration of K2 elements.
For an hour, when I leave safeguarding a K2 item, I have the following error message:

500 - Une erreur s'est produite

Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 SQL=INSERT INTO `zqbo7_finder_tokens` (`term`,`stem`,`common`,`phrase`,`weight`,`context`) VALUES ('toto', 'toto', 0, 0, 0,2667, 1)

Retour au panneau de contrôle

I recently installed the Glossary component 288J2, there may be a link there.

Do you have any idea to solve my problem.

Thank you very much.
  • anywhere88
  • anywhere88's Avatar
21 Jun 2013 14:25
Replied by anywhere88 on topic K2 error: JForm::getInstance could not load file

K2 error: JForm::getInstance could not load file

Category: English K2 Community

Thank you for your reply, I tried any reinstall and reordering possible. The strange thing is I am the only one in the world getting this specific error, not just considering the interaction between K2 and CComment :P The strange thing is they say there is no integration with K2 backend, so it's strange the issue happens here.
Maybe I will switch to a different comment system like Disqus if I can't solve soon, but if someone from K2 could have a suggestion about what could be the cause of this error, it would be nice ;)
Unluckily my host provider doesn't give me much control over mysql, otherwise I could check if there is some weird query that fails or something like that.
  • moni
  • moni's Avatar
18 Jun 2013 09:35

geting error when joomla cache in on

Category: English K2 Community

i have joomla 2.5.11 with k2 2.6.6 when "Cache Settings" is on (Conservative or Progressive) the categories pages display the error:

"Warning: mysqli_close() [function.mysqli-close]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/rabenu/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php on line 141"

what can i do?
please help.

  • Nelson Elliott
  • Nelson Elliott's Avatar
15 Jun 2013 16:54
Replied by Nelson Elliott on topic SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save

SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save

Category: English K2 Community

Ah, getting closer to a resolution. It appears to be something I changed in the form style. When I set the form style to "-default-" instead of my custom style, that fixes the problem.

In case anyone else ever makes the same mistake, I'll update here when I figure out exactly what I changed that caused the issue.
  • Nelson Elliott
  • Nelson Elliott's Avatar
15 Jun 2013 16:26
Replied by Nelson Elliott on topic SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save

SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save

Category: English K2 Community

PS - Everything works fine from the backend.
  • Nelson Elliott
  • Nelson Elliott's Avatar
15 Jun 2013 16:16
SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save was created by Nelson Elliott

SQL 1064 Error on Front-End Article Save

Category: English K2 Community

I'm building a new site with K2 2.6.6 and Joomla 3.0. I am trying to setup a site that users can contribute to. Users can open and edit an article form with no problem, but on trying save the article, the site throws this error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND trash = 0' at line 1 SQL=SELECT MAX(ordering) FROM joom_k2_items WHERE catid = AND trash = 0


I am using sh404sef, but the error occurs whether the component is enabled or not. Any ideas?

  • Rosario
  • Rosario's Avatar
15 Jun 2013 09:33
erorr SQL Syntax was created by Rosario

erorr SQL Syntax

Category: Comunità italiana K2

I need help. My site is out!

This morning I have received this error: calenar.setup

I tried to load the new version of K2 (26.6)
but now it is stopped again with tihs error:
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '44,11,15,20,37,38' at line 1 SQL=SELECT ordering AS value, title AS text FROM hvhgu_k2_items WHERE catid=10,44,11,15,20,37,38"
I'm nont an expert.
Some one can help me pleaee?
  • Krikor Boghossian
  • Krikor Boghossian's Avatar
11 Jun 2013 17:22
Replied by Krikor Boghossian on topic Can't install K2 on joomla.. SQL error

Can't install K2 on joomla.. SQL error

Category: English K2 Community

Hello Aleksandra,

Double posting never solved anyone's issue faster.

I just installed K2 on a brand new 3.1.1 Joomla! site and it worked fine. Which version are you using?


Try reinstalling please on top of the old installation. Also, please describe your setup.
  • Aleksandra Łabno
  • Aleksandra Łabno's Avatar
11 Jun 2013 16:01
Replied by Aleksandra Łabno on topic error on new install

error on new install

Category: English K2 Community

it didn't help. brand new joomla installation with new k2. sql error.
  • Aleksandra Łabno
  • Aleksandra Łabno's Avatar
11 Jun 2013 15:56
Replied by Aleksandra Łabno on topic Can't install K2 on joomla.. SQL error

Can't install K2 on joomla.. SQL error

Category: English K2 Community

same here. please help.
  • Tacops
  • Tacops's Avatar
11 Jun 2013 11:54

Can't install K2 on joomla.. SQL error

Category: English K2 Community

Hi there,

I have serious issues installing K2 on joomla platform version 3.1.1 :(
when i try to install K2 i'm getting a error code like this:

[1146] Table 'username_jos1.jos_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `jos_k2_categories`

can someone help me resolve this problem please?

thanks in advance!
  • boomski
  • boomski's Avatar
07 Jun 2013 13:25

0 SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `jos_k2_categories`

Category: English K2 Community

Spiros wrote: Hello....

When i try to upload to my site tha K2 pluggin ... i have the error :

0 SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `jos_k2_categories`

Could you tell me plz why...?

Thanks in advance

Spiros, did you ever get a resolution to this? Same thing is happening with me.
  • Deigo Bocni
  • Deigo Bocni's Avatar
01 Jun 2013 11:26
itemform.php personalization was created by Deigo Bocni

itemform.php personalization

Category: English K2 Community

I have to customize the page of K2 that allows users to post "K2 Item" from frontend.

In particular:
issue n.1:
I want only the fields i'm interested in to be shown:
- title
- tags
- image
- The extrafields that I associated with the particular category.

issue n.2:
for the image ExtraField type: from frontend it lets you select images from the server, not from local pc (i want select the file from local pc)

possible solution of issue n.1:
I tried to hide the code from the file itemform.php inserting the <! ----> but should not be: hide the parts that I do not want to appear, I get the result, but when I load the image gives me error (sql something. ..).

solution of issue n.2:
i've no clue!!!

please help!
  • Deigo Bocni
  • Deigo Bocni's Avatar
01 Jun 2013 10:54
personalizzazione itemform.php was created by Deigo Bocni

personalizzazione itemform.php

Category: Comunità italiana K2

devo personalizzare la pagina di K2 che permette agli utenti di inserire da frontend i "K2 item".
In particolare:
voglio che vengano visualizzati solo i campi da immettere che a me interessano quindi:
- titolo
- tags
- image
- gli extrafields che ho associato alla particolare categoria.

inoltre: per gli extrafield del tipo immagine: quando da frontend fanno selezionare l'immagine la fanno scegliere tra quelle presenti nel server, mentre io vorrei scegliere una immagine dal pc (come succede per inserire l'immagine del campo "image").

ho provato a nascondere del codice dal file itemform.php inserendo i tag <!-- --> ma non va: nascondo le parti che non voglio vengano visualizzate, ottengo il risultato ma quando carico l'immagine mi da errore (sql qualcosa...).

please help!!!
Displaying 421 - 440 out of 788 results.

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