I bought the easy gallery pro version because i needed a good gallery for a well running joomla
1.0.x website. I use the newest version 2.0.5. This is the template the site is using:
I use the gallery in an content tab, made with:
JoomlaWorks "Tabs & Slides (in content items)" Plugin v2.4
The problem:
Everything runs fine in Firefox (3,4), Safari, Iphone, Ipad, Chrome but NOT in Internet Explorer (no matter 6, 7, 8 or even 9). In IE happens the following: when scrolling through the content (i use 3 small gallerys in the content tab with each around 3-4 pics ), the thumbnails gray out, the third gallery is not even shown from the beginning. The thumbnails show up and and disappear, show up and so on...
I searched the web, the forum, everything hours and hours, tried every trick (changed file permissions, removed xml declaration, use just one or two gallerys, switched the mode, cache, run a backup of the site at a different webhoster, and so on..). All i could find is, that this issues seem to be a problem of many users, but no solution for me in sight!
I tried to use the gallerys in a plain content page, means without using the joomlaworks tab plugin, there it seems to work. Means, it may be a interference of the gallery pro plugin with the tabs and slides plugin (both joomlaworks). Maybe a newer version of the tabs&slides could help, but i did not find one...remember, the site uses joomla 1.0.x....
1000 thanx in advance!