My customer have this webgallery:
Please browse through it..
2. Question:
As you can see, I have added black space under each image, to the jpg image itself! This was the only solution to have a caption under images. Is there /with you latest versions) a possibility to configure captions so they go under the image, not on top of it?
2. Question:
Also, on a few potrait images the caption area is very very high over the image. Can this be somehow controlled? So there must be a pixel limit that forces the caption to appear higher with potrait images, maybe 800 pix in height.
Can this force-captions-over-image feature be disabled?
This gallery engine Fancy-box was the only one we liked, becouse the captions are nice and clean. Anyway these captions over images, and the workaround fot that = my black margins in the jpg files kinda ruin all the beuty of this great gallery! What can we do?? I try to please the customer and I know you joomla extension in a good on, but results look dumb anyway.. Please help me.