Don't worry. Unless I've done something majorly wrong, I think I've worked around it.
For anyone else, what I've done is, in sigpro.engine.php commented out the code
else {
// Check if a captions file exists and if not write a new captions file and fill it with the image file list and content placeholders
$captionsfile = fopen($site_absolutepath.$srcimgfolder.$captionFile,'w');
foreach ($found as $filename) {
// Read the new file
$newcaptionsfile = file($site_absolutepath.$srcimgfolder.$captionFile);
foreach($newcaptionsfile as $caption){
$temp = explode("|",$caption);
if(isset($temp[0]) && file_exists($site_absolutepath.$srcimgfolder."/".$temp[0])) {
$captions[$site_absolutepath.$srcimgfolder."/".strtolower($temp[0])] = @ $temp[1];
$captions[$site_absolutepath.$srcimgfolder."/".strtolower($temp[0])] = @ $temp[2];
Seems to work. I expect there's a more elegant solution though.