When using the "galleria" display (tried with several jquery engines as well as the simple box from joomlaworks) and it does not show all of the labels.txt file data...only title...
Also, going from slideshow page to slideshow page, the big image seems to default to a certain width for the display, which causes some to actually be enlarged, and of course these are ratty looking...
These slideshow displays are all from K2 articles...when viewing the K2 items, and clicking on the tab for "image gallery", the images are not there for, but only a placeholder with the abreviated label.txt information...
I have dumped the SigPro v2.5.2 and re-installed the old version for the third time today...the new version is a total disaster for my site and does not work correctly in virtually any configuration...oversized images, defaults to a width size for display, not displaying the label.txt files completely...on and on...all my galleries are k2 items...maybe that is the prob, i have not tried using a joomla article, but i think there are better things for me to do besides being a beta tester....