I have several folders inside my galleries folder and each folder with an amount of pictures. I have created an rticle for each of the folders in galleries and the a menu that is opening a view (Gallery List). I have actually 6 folders with over 500 pictures. When I open the category list joomla is taking a very long time to open the list of articles (6). I think that the cause of this huge time is that Joomla is building the thumbnails in the cache. After this long time (more than 30 seconds) I can access to any of the galleries with no delay.
The problem is that every time I create a new folder the time is becoming bigger and I can growth my Category List for my pictures gallery.
I dont know how to solve so I will apreciate any help from you.
My second question is regarding an Album View (like the Fotos View in Facebook). Can I create a preview of all the diferents albums inside the gallery folder?
Here is the link for my page. I have actually enabled a very long time (720) in the cache of the component to reduce the time for the category list view, so i think it's not the way ...
Thanks in advance,