Hi All,
I'm having trouble with the gallery being seemingly immovable within the main content area of my template.
I have a simple two column CSS layout with header/sidebar/content/footer. It is a template i am in the process of building.
The Sidebar contains sub menus, it is set to float left. The content is set with a margin left, no float.
Other items on pages (eg. blog category layout, articles without gallery - just text/images) have no trouble displaying at the correct y height.
The Gallery when inserted into an article doesn't seem to recognise that the Sidebar is floated left, and appears to the right of it (right margin in content div) but below the sidebar menu - as it would if there was no float applied to the sidebar.
I know it is the sidebar menu's affecting the gallery, because when i turn them off, the gallery appears at the top as it is supposed to.
Is there a positioning somewhere within the CSS for Simple Gallery Pro that is absolute? I have adapted the Galleria template to re-skin the gallery and this all went well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Emma.