Hi there,
Hoping someone might be able to help me. I have just updated Simple Image Gallery Pro from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 but things didn't go as planned.
I have J2.5.6 and tried using the auto update in the Extension Manager.
Every time, it returned Error 500 / Internal Server error (which is odd as previous updates have worked).
I was in a hurry tonight as I have a flight to catch tomorrow so I decided to FTP the files up to my server instead and save the above problem for my return.
Under Extensions>Manage, it reports back the new version and date of update, all seems well in the back end, however my galleries are not working any more... they are just thumbs that open up the image in a separate tab... there is no light box with <prev or next> on it and no description.
You can see it on this page as an example:
Can anyone help? I took a backup of the files but didn't want to roll them back if there's something simple I could do to make it work having done this 'long-hand'.
I FTP'ed the following:
Content of Media folder > to Media>JWSigpro>Media folder.
Content of JWSigpro > to Plugins>JWSigpro
The two en-GB ini files > to Administrator>Language>en-GB
As for the Error 500 Server Error page, I appreciate this is probably a server / site configuration problem, most likely unrelated to this software and I'll have to try to figure this out too.