I have the same Joomla 2.5.7 site installed on a couple of different servers.
I have a test version on my hosting account here
www.specracerford.com/baldwinmetals2/ baldwin-metals-work.html (remove space)
I have Simple Image Gallery Pro in tabs & they all work flawlessly.
The customer I built the site for insists on hosting the site on his friend's/business associate's server here
The SIG Pro on the live site works the first time it is loaded after the server side cache is cleared but after that on page refresh or page load it displays the "View the embedded image gallery online at: " error message & the pop-ups no longer work.
As the exact same site is working correctly on the test site I beleive the problem is some php or server setting. I have had to ask the hosting service to enable several PHP features that were not enabled but finally thought I had got everything working correctly except for the SIG Pro.
Both sites are using PHP 5.3.15 & are Joomla 2.5.7
I can't figure out why it is not working on the live site. Can anyone tell me what is going on to cause this error. I feel like I need to tell the hosting to enable or change a php feature, but I don't know what?
Thanks for any assistance you might be able to offer.