using Simple Image Gallery Pro
using the "classic" template in K2 articles plugin.
the way it works is setting the image as a background image and using "transparent.gif" as the images source:
<a href="/media/k2/galleries/1187/colored-paving-stone%2001.jpg" class="sigProLink" style="width:175px;height:160px;" rel="lightbox[galleryfb52010a40]" title="zzz
<br /><a class="sigProDownloadLink" href="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/download.php?file=media/k2/galleries/1187/colored-paving-stone%2001.jpg">Download this image</a>" target="_blank">
<img class="sigProImg" src="/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/includes/images/transparent.gif" alt="Click to enlarge image colored-paving-stone 01.jpg" title="Click to enlarge image colored-paving-stone 01.jpg" style="width:175px;height:160px;background-image:url(/cache/jw_sigpro/jwsigpro_cache_fb52010a40_colored-paving-stone_01.jpg);">
<span class="sigProPseudoCaption"><b>zzz </b></span>
<span class="sigProCaption" title="zzz ">zzz </span>
will this damage google image indexing ?
i want google to index my images in "images search".
if so not, is there a solution for this ? other than using a different gallery ?
if not, what other gallery templates are ok in SEO sense ?