That's what I checked ???
Acourdint to it, the thumbnail option is a toggle between single or full
[qute]Additionally, you can "switch" to "single thumbnail" mode and launch your galleries from one thumbnail only! That's right! You can launch a slideshow of, say, 50 images from a single thumbnail, without overweighing your article page with thumbnail images. The user sees all full-sized images by navigating with the "previous" and "next" buttons! This obviously saves you both bandwidth and server CPU, plus, it can be used in specific situations, like the display of a presentation!
And is in fact a switch on right: 'Display mode'
What I ask is if it's possible to have the gallery configured to be 'normal' but be able tomake some galleryes 'single image'
As I say my case, I want to put a gallery of 20 images that would eat all frontpage, unless I make single image, but I do want those 20 images taking all the article space...
Dunno if I'm making me clear :-[
Basically, switch is cool, but I would like also a {gallery:singlethumb}folder{/gallery} for example, for having single thumb for just SOME galleries