Ok so i used the free version and then purchased the pro version. I got my site up and running, migrated it the root folder so it could go live. The site works fine for one thing.
Error: "Simple Image Gallery" (free version) has been located in your system. You need to uninstall it first, before using the PRO version. Thank you.
I can't find the simple image gallery plugin from the plug in manager to uninstall it because I already uninstalled it before using the pro version.
I tried re-installing the free version and I get this error.
JInstaller::install: There is already a folder called '/home/content/l/o/c/locdemigod1964/html/plugins/content/plugin_jw_sig.php' - Please initially check whether:
• the Extension is already installed
• the file names in the XML file are spelled correctly
• there are no XML files listed inside the extension.xml file
• all of the files (not including XML files) are correctly listed in the extension.xml file and there are no duplicate entries
• there is an empty folder listed from a previous installation attempt
I navigated to here; -> '/home/content/l/o/c/locdemigod1964/html/plugins/content/plugin_jw_sig.php'
And could not find anything in the folders, they are empty. ugg
Any help here please??? url is
Thanks in advance for a quick reply.