Hi !
I bought SigPro 1.2 and faced this issue: when I have two diferent galleries each one in a different user module but on the same page, the first gallery shows all pictures from the two separate folders or sub-folders.
This happens even when the gallery command states clearly the correct path for each subfolder under /images/stories/.
Page X shows two galleries, A in module user3 and B in module user4.
Gallery A is: {gallery}folder1:::1{/gallery}
Gallery B is: {gallery}folder2:::1{/gallery}
or even if
Gallery B is: {gallery}folder1/subfolder2:::1{/gallery}
The result is the same: both galleries A and B show photos from both folders, even though Gallery B starts showing the first photo of folder2 (or subfolder2)but shows previous ones from folder1.
Isn´t that awkward ?
I tried to change mambot configuration taking last slash out and adding it to the command line but the result was the same.
Can anyone help me in this ?
URL to see that is:
Tks a lot in advance.