Few things I thought I'd share with everyone that I've found and changed in the few days I've been screwing around with this plugin.
1) Always on Prev and Next buttons. I found some people didn't realize there was navigation there as I don't like to have the navigation hints on and sometimes you have to move your mouse to get the next or prev to come up. Solution, make the next and prev buttons always on. I did this for slimbox.css but it should work for the others that use the same buttons.
#lbPrevLink {left:0;background:transparent url(prevlabel.gif) no-repeat 0% 15%;}
#lbPrevLink:hover {background:transparent url(prevlabel.gif) no-repeat 0% 15%;}
#lbNextLink {right:0;background:transparent url(nextlabel.gif) no-repeat 100% 15%;}
#lbNextLink:hover {background:transparent url(nextlabel.gif) no-repeat 100% 15%;}
Basically add the 2 underlined lines to your css file. This tells it to always show the next and prev buttons instead of waiting for the hover. Note, it won't show the buttons if there no next or prev image, the navigation buttons are simply on all the time instead waiting for the hover.
2) With the slimbox effect, I noticed it the first time you clicked on a thumbnail, you got the nice fade animation with the popup resizing, then if you clicked on any thumbnail again on the same page without refreshing, it would not do the nice fade or animation, the popup was simply there. My fix was to go update the slimbox.js to a later version. I went here
and downloaded slimbox 1.53. For some reason the later version didn't work, so I stuck with 1.53. Simply replace your slimbox.js and mootools.js with the one from the 1.53 archive and presto, animation on every click.
3) Change the popup overlay color. Edit your slimbox.css or whatever engine you are using and change the color in the first line. (underlined number)
#lbOverlay {position:absolute;left:0;width:100%;background-color:#84b5ce;cursor:pointer;}
4) Centering of your images. You may find that no matter how your content is formatting, your images never center. My solution doesn't include the shadow effect on the pictures anymore, but does center them. To me, them being centered is way more important than the effect as the text in all my content items is centered. You can change the css all you want, doesn't center, you can embed the {galley} tag in a centered table, doesn't center. Heres what I did.
In line 302 of jwsipro.php, remove the following:
<div class="sig_cont"'.$showsingle.'><div class="sig_thumb">
and in line 374, remove:
Now, everything should be follow the content formatting of the {gallery} tag.
All for now, but I will update this thread if I come across any other things I think people may find usefull.