I had the 3.1 version of SigPRO and just bought a new subscription to get the 3.5 version. But in downloads area there`s the 3.6 version. I found the article about the 3.5 version, but I want to know if its a good idea to go 3.6 version right now. What changes? I have installed the 3.5 and its working great.
By the way, I have a suggestion of a new feature: what if the user has the option to navigate in all the K2 galleries in frontend? We already have this option in backend, so I guess its not that hard to make this option available in frontend, right?
Actually, I made an adaptation in K2 Content Module to show the new and update galleries in frontend, and its a good feature (maybe this option could be available in a future uptade of K2).
And also, is it possible to make an option in settings so when we use the component in backend we can see the K2 galleries right away intstead of site galleries? I mean, not everyone use Joomla system (thats my case). I know its not a big deal to just click a button, but if we have this option, it would be good.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards and congrats for the great work, the version 3.5 is awesome!