I am having a problem with Simple Image Gallery Pro and K2. I am using them on Gavickpro Events template and just replacing items in their quickstart content.
I have set up the gallery using first the image gallery tab and uploading a zip file with photos (jpg, lower case and underscores only in the picture names). I set the root image folder to both images and media/k2/galleries but the images did not show even though I had display image gallery enabled in the Display settings.
I then tried to use the SIG plugin at the bottom of the content tab to insert the gallery in the editor. I set the root image folder to images and uploaded the images through cPanel. This also did not work. only the titles show on the page but no pictures. I am pretty sure my image path is correct.
I tried to find a solution in the new forum and generally on the web but none of the solutions I have found so far work in this case.
Is there something I am missing?