I see many have written on this topic with no real answer.
I just purchased this product to work on my 1.5.9 site. I was using a different plugin, Easy Xtend gallery on my 1.0 site and it worked beautifully. Unfortunately there is no version available for 1.5
Anyway, the code is the same {gallery}myfileshere{/gallery} Unfortunately when I installed the Simple Image Pro, only about 10 of my photos showed up with a terrible layout. Mostly I get this error:
Warning: getimagesize(/home/ewgaphil/public_html/new_15_site/images/stories/chesapeake_outing_04_08/chesapeakegolf april 08 001.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ewgaphil/public_html/new_15_site/plugins/content/jwsigpro/sigpro_engine.php on line 86
Image type not supported
Here is my site:
www.ewgaphilly.com/new_15_site click on the Photo link for an example of how this is not working.
I see the photos have to be named with lower case. I looked and it appears to me all of mine are in lower case. However many have an underscore. Are you saying that won't work either? If so, I need a refund for this. I'm not renaming all of my photos. My permissions are set to 755.
I hope you can help me asap. Thanks.