To fix captions for highslide:
Move the block of code
// create thumbnails
from below
// if JS is disabled, open links in new window
$html .= '" target="_blank">';
to above
$html .= '</a></div></div>';
(almost at the bottom of the file)
Insert above the block you just moved
// jb Highslide caption from filename or labels.txt not "Click to open"
if ($popup_engine == 'highslide') {
{$clickopen = $final_caption;}
else { $clickopen = $name.".".$format; }
The thumbnail caption is displayed behind rather than in front of the thumbnail. I have thumbnail captions turned off so this doesnt worry me.
Single thumbnail mode doesnt work
Highslide displays this tip on the popup - "Click to close image, click and drag to move, use arrow keys for next and previous".
The arrow keys actually close the image.
I think its because highslide doesnt see the thumbnails as part of a group. I might be able to fix that.