I've got a real big problem, that I think many other convinced and paying users of SIG Pro will have too: The 1.5 Version of SIG Pro can't handle filenames of the pictures like the 1.0 version did. There seems to be a big problem with capital-Letters and other special characters in file-names an paths, that leads to error-Messages instead of correct displayed content. Yes, it's the well known
"Image type not supported" error, that many people are asking for here and I already found the FAQ hint to lowercase the filename(see:
But exactly that is my problem: I used SIG Pro multiple years at
www.judo-hoentrop.de and there are tons of pictures and content directed via SIG-Pro to it, that worked with no problem with SIG Pro 1.0, but doesn't work with the SIG Pro 1.5: To change that all is nearly impossible. I'm desperate, because by some certain reasons I can't go back to Joomla 1.0: So the update is hanging and our site gets bad reputation. I decided to start update because there was a 1.5-version of SIG Pro, but that seemed to have been a big big error.
Please help me and the other SIG Pro users willing to update to 1.5 ASAP. I'm willing to pay for a working version a second time, but get that thing running please!
Thank you very much in advance!