I am experiencing some problems with SIG Pro not working with a custom ajax component.
What i am doing is pulling content out the DB with AJAX. The thumbnail gallery loads with no problems.
The problem comes in when clicking on a thumbnail image - it loads in a new browser window. Not in a lightbox - I have tried with all the engines.
I think am having a problem with headers as i don't see the javascript include files in my page source - i am not too sure.
Some of the code for my component is as follows:
global $mainframe;
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$sql = "SELECT `introtext`, `title` FROM #__content WHERE `id` = ".$contentID."";
$content = $db->loadObject();
$content->text = $content->introtext;
$params =& $mainframe->getParams('com_content');
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (& $content, & $params, 0));
echo $content->text;
Link to site: [url=http://chery.galore.co.za?option=com_model_Listing&Itemid=55]Site[/url]
To get to gallery:
click 2nd (Blue Car) Top left
Then click Gallery & 360 Views (Top Menu)
Then on right 3 image links -> click bottom 1(Interior)
All assistance appreciated!