First of all, I realized I made a subtle mistake. I'm the guy who also had the question about why my second test site wasn't allowing the wrapping of text around the single thumbnail view. You thought it was a CSS problem. In this case you reminded me to upgrade to 2.0.3. My first reaction in my head was, "Of course I upgraded, I just told you about that in the other question."
Then I thought harder. I just realized that when I purchased SIG Pro that I purchased 2.0.2. I upgraded my first test site to 2.0.3. When I set up the second test site, I installed the originally purchased product. So I actually have 2.0.2 running on my second test site. So I need to install .3.
However I don't think this problem has anything to do with 2.0.2 vs .3. The caption is OK on one part of the page and isn't on the other part of the page. The permissions on my local computer are the same for the label.txt file for the broken instance as for the two working instances (read/write for me, read only for everyone else). How do I check the permissions in the Media Manager?