It seems that whenever the option was added to allow us to change the root folder, this was never propegated to the php script...
Also the $database global does not appear to be allowed here....
Below is some quick and dirty raw mysql code... I didn't bother to take the time to at least read Joomla's configuration to determine the DB prefix... I would recommend that you do... but the below code (at least update your DB prefix as appropriate) will work...
Again... the below code is me being lazy... this could be much cleaner :)
$query = "SELECT params FROM test_mambots WHERE element = 'jw_sigpro' AND folder = 'content'";
$q = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($q);
$Params = $row[0];
$Params = explode("\n",$Params);
$galleries_rootfolder = '';
foreach ($Params as $value)
$tmp = explode("=",$value);
if ($tmp[0] == 'galleries_rootfolder')
$galleries_rootfolder = $tmp[1];
#$ref = $mosConfig_live_site.'/'.substr($_GET,0,strlen('images/'));
#$check = $mosConfig_live_site."/images/";
$ref = $mosConfig_live_site.'/'.substr($_GET,0,strlen($galleries_rootfolder));
$check = $mosConfig_live_site."/".$galleries_rootfolder;