First, let me say, thank you for such a great extension which works beautifully.
Everything appears to be working correctly, but I can't seem to find a popup engine which includes everything I need.
I don't really care which of the engines I use, but here's the list:
1. Popup sized to the actual visitor's browser window.
2. Click to see full-size image.
3. Titling and description handled correctly from the titles.txt file.
SlimBox2 does all except item 2.
PrettyPhoto does all, except that it inserts "Click to open image!" at the top of the popup. Perhaps, this should be the title and the text below the image the description??
Anyway, I've been through all of the engines and none of them do all three things.
Is there a way to specify parameters for the various engines?
If so, how would I do this and where's some documentation?
If I could get rid of the "Click to open image" in PrettyPhoto, or have it display the title, that would be ideal!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.