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Thumbnails are missing inside the article

  • lindasolberg
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15 years 5 months ago #27731 by lindasolberg
Thumbnails are missing inside the article was created by lindasolberg
I am using K2 v2.1 and I just bought Simple Image Gallery PRO.
New articles shows on the front page with thumbnails without a problem, but when I open an article, thumbnails  are not there.
anybody can help, please?

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  • Yiota
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15 years 5 months ago #27732 by Yiota
Could you provide a link to your site?

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15 years 5 months ago #27733 by lindasolberg
Replied by lindasolberg on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
thank you, Yiota
I sent you PM with the link to the site.
I am not sure if I allowed to post links here directly

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15 years 5 months ago #27734 by Yiota
Have you check the parameters of the item (inside the category) to see if the gallery is set to show to the item view also?

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15 years 5 months ago #27735 by lindasolberg
Replied by lindasolberg on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
yes, I did.
it is very strange and confusing:
it shows on the front page, but not inside the article.
if I click on the tag, it shows me the images, but if I click on "Read more..." to read the whole articles, the images are not there.

what I am doing wrong?

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15 years 5 months ago #27736 by Yiota
Could you PM me access to your administration?

Also could you tell me which K2 version are you using?
If it's not the latest, you will probably have to install it.

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15 years 5 months ago #27737 by Melanio Pech
Replied by Melanio Pech on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
Hi, i am newly registered and i am having the same problem. Have you figured out the problem.

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15 years 5 months ago #27738 by lindasolberg
Replied by lindasolberg on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
no, I still have the same problem. I sent my info to Yiota and waiting her to check it and see what is wrong there and why does not it work correctly

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15 years 5 months ago #27739 by Yiota

I have already answered to your PM with the access details and I was saying that the account is not working. Please send me the correct account details so I can check.


Could you PM me administration access to your site?

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15 years 5 months ago #27740 by lindasolberg
Replied by lindasolberg on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
I sent you new details yesterday, but seems like something went wrong and you did not get them. I sent them again now

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15 years 5 months ago #27741 by Yiota
You have set the gallery to the introtext of the article you have posted (which shows fine on listing category). Inside the item you only show the fulltext in which you don't have a gallery, so it's not that it has a problem, rather than it doesn't exist at this part of text you show. If you put Show to the Introtext inside the categories parameters you will see that it works fine.

A question I would like to ask you is this: How come you don't use the Image Gallery option of the item?

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15 years 5 months ago #27742 by lindasolberg
Replied by lindasolberg on topic Re: Thumbnails are missing inside the article
Yiota, I found out about Joomla for 2 weeks ago. for a week ago we hired a programmer to install most of the components and moduls and for the last week I tried to figure out how things are working. So, I am very very new to all these and all the properties of K2 and Gallery.

about your question: How come you don't use the Image Gallery option of the item?

I have no idea. Do you mean inside the K2 or?

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15 years 4 months ago #27743 by Yiota
There is nothing wrong with the way you use the SIG Pro plugin, but I was just curious of why you didn't use the K2 gallery.
I strongly believe that whatever method you choose (K2 gallery or the SIG Pro gallery) it will be the one that suits you best.

Read below a small description on what is the K2 gallery and how it works.

The K2 as a component has the ability to connect to each article a gallery by going to the appropriate tab (When you create an item you have available the following tabs: Content, Image, Image Gallery, Video, Extra Fields, Attachments).

The K2 gallery needs the SIG Pro to work though, that's why we suggest having it as an installed plugin.
It takes the parameters you have set inside the SIG Pro plugin except the path which in K2 is different (it's in media/k2/galleries) and you don't have to add it to the parameters it's like a default path for the K2 gallery.
Now you will probably ask me how does it work so I'm telling you this: you create a zip file with all your images and you upload it inside each items gallery tab. The path to go and find them is the one I have mentioned above.

I hope I didn't confuse you even more  ???

If you have any other question I'd be glad to help :)

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